Strategy ImageForts

    Courtesy of Groentje:
    What do Forts do?
    They helps your units in defence. The higher percentage of the fortress to your land, the more your units hit points go up but there is a limit to it. Fortresses don't do a lot for pillages, that depends on how many units you have.

    Forts work like barriers in their effect

    2.5% is maximum alertness and defensive bonus
    1.25% is what some believe to be critical to get some defensive bonus below that, only some pillage alertness (but that also depends on the number of troops.)

    Most mages have around 1% to 2.5%(max) fortress.

    Also fortresses push you up in power. That means that when you see people with a lot of fortress, it means they are overpowered and their army isn't much. To illustrate,
    Maga A: 5000 lands, Power 14M, Fortress 50
    Mage B: 5000 lands, Power 14M, Fortress 100

    Which should you attack?
    Ans: Mage B cause fortress will increase your power. Since both have same power, so it means that Mage B has less power by units.

    But please note that fortress do give defensive bonus
    To go around the defensive bonuses problem, do regular attacks instead of sieges. Although you get less lands, kill less units but the amount of units killed on your side is reduced too.

    If you have 0 you are dead - so have more
    If you have less then 10, a few attacks could kill you - so have more, at least 20.
    If you did many attacks and gave away many counters, even 20 forts is not that much. Have at least 30 if you attack a lot.

    If less then 1.25% of your lands is forts, you have to little forts to provide shelter for your troops in defense. If you have > 1.25% of your lands forts, your troops will receive a bonus (they become tougher). This bonus maxes out at 2.5% of your land. Thus: more then 2.5% of your lands as forts is not making any difference for your troops.

    Forts give you power. If you have 3500 land, 35.000 units and 10 forts, you'll have less power then when you had builded 20 forts. 10 forts is about 150,000 power. You can use that if you want to attack another mage.

    Remember that your net power is a sum of land, units and forts (and m.p., and geld, and items, and heros, and spelllevel but forget those) You want to attack someone that is 80% of your power (= you are 125% of his power) 'cause then you have most brute force and better chance to win the battle.

    Imagine you are a mage with 3500 land, 35.000 units, 20 forts , and want to attack someone with 3500 land, 35.000 units and 10 forts.... and say that roughly 50% of your net power is from the troops, and the other 50% is from land and forts.

    To be at 125% of his power you start summoning...
    If you keep 20 forts, you'll create a smaller army
    If you first destroy 10 forts, you'll drop some power and can summon a bigger army (actually a 150% bigger army then the opponent) and have a better chance during OFFENSE (it will take a few turns to rebuild forts later on, but maybe your siege is so succesfull you win part of the self destroyed forts back!)

    The above example in algebra:
    X = power at 3500 land, 35000 units, 20 forts

    With same amount of forts:
    before: X = .5 X + .5 X ( 50% from land&forts, 50% from troops )
    then you summon troops to 125% of original power
    after: 1.25 X = .5 X + .75 X (same 50% of original land, and 150% more troops then your oponent)

    If you have more forts then the opponent:
    before: X = .55 X + .45 X (55% from land&forts, 45% from troops)
    then you summon troops to 125% of original power
    after: 1.25 X = .55 X + .70 ( same 55% of your original troops, but only 140% more troops then your oponent)

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